Insights as a Service episode:

45. Reviewing the Harvard Business School course

45. Reviewing the Harvard Business School course

Brendan attended his first course at Harvard Business School last month and gives us his review of the experience in the first episode for 2023. The course, called “Aligning Strategy With Sales”, covered off on corporate and sales strategy conception, pricing, distribution methods, recruitment and performance evaluation, marketing methods, and much more.

Check out the episode to hear how it went and whether it will suit people in your business. 


  • 0:00 Aligning strategy with sales Harvard Business course outline
  • 5:57 Getting accepted to Harvard Business School course
  • 9:48 What the Aligning strategy with sales course is like
  • 14:10 Practical applications and learnings from the course
  • 21:40 Key takeaways from the Aligning strategy with sales course
  • 27:00 What the course can do better

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