Unlimited Calling for Voice

Unlimited Calling for Voice

People aren’t huge fans of getting really high phone bills, so they want to know that when they make a lot of calls they still have that budgetary certainty. So that’s the why, the what is the topic of this video. I’m going to give you an overview of our new unlimited calling plans that relate to Teams with Direct Routing, 3CX, and plain old sip trunks.

Three Things

There are a couple of things, in fact a few things, three things to be exact, that we need to let you know about in relation to these new plans. Namely what is included, versus excluded, the price points that we’ve chosen to run with and why we went with a per channel model as opposed to a per user model.

What's included and excluded?

Let’s kick off with the unlimited plan detail our new plans will allow you to make as many calls as you would like to Australian and New Zealand landlines and mobiles and calls to Australian 1300 numbers are also included.

Each plan comes with an allocation of DDIs which is another weird way of saying phone numbers, and we start with 5 numbers on the entry level plans and grow to 20 on the larger plans.

Extra numbers and 100 DDI blocks, which is particularly relevant for Australia because that’s the thing that they run with over there, can of course be purchased as required.

What we haven’t included are inbound calls to toll free numbers, international calls to destinations outside of New Zealand and Australia, and I am sure I don’t need to say this, but I will anyway, 0900 and special numbers are excluded, where they are in fact, still a thing,

Pricing per Channel

A key difference to the way we’ve productised this offering is that we’ve gone for a per channel approach rather than per user option. A channel handles one inbound or outbound call, meaning that we base our charges on the call volumes you need to be able to generate, not the number of people with access to a phone.

This approach scales better because it doesn’t penalise organisations that have a large number of users who need to be able to make calls when required, but typically make very few.


Now for the all important price points. We’ve gone for a waterfall model on all service types, with recurring charges dropping and set up fees waved on longer terms.

For Teams calling and standard sip trunks, pricing starts at $250 per month ex GST for a 5 line plan with 5 phone numbers included.

3CX pricing starts at $326 per month ex GST for a 4 channel Pro licence with 5 phone numbers included.

For complete detail on price points, existing customers can just log in to Illume and find all of the new rate cards in the resources section. Anyone else interested in learning more just needs to get in touch.

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