Lightwire Resources
Industry insights and commentary, latest Lightwire feature releases, and educational content to help you navigate the Australasian ICT landscape
Trending Resources
3CX Version 20 Upgrade
The upcoming 3CX Version 20 is around the corner. The Voice Team delved into the changes and summarised them for you.
The 3CX Playbook
The Playbook your team needs to scope, design, sell, provision, and support self hosted 3CX.
Teams Calling Playbook
The Teams Calling Playbook helps MSPs scope, design, provision, and support Teams Calling with Confidence.
Lightwire content vault
Mobile Minute Alerting
The latest feature to be added to illume for voice customers on bundled plans with 3CX, Teams Calling via Direct Routing, and SIP Trunking is
Circuit Utilisation Report
How do you know when you should increase or upgrade the bandwidth of your connection? To answer that and give you some guidance on best
Lightwire’s Business NPS for 2021
We sent out two key surveys in the first half of this year, the first was to gain feedback on our performance in the rural sector,
Telcos vs MSPs – The line is blurring
Kordia’s recent acquisition of Base2, a managed IT, network, and security solutions company based in Auckland has shone a spotlight on how difficult it is becoming
Great customer experience starts with great people
Lightwire’s success is built off the efforts of fantastic people, we understand that and have a range of initiatives in place to ensure that we
illume Password Setup
illume adds a ton of value to your experience with Lightwire. Whatever your position within your business, there are features within illume that are specifically
What happens when things go wrong
Let’s talk about what happens when things go wrong. Regardless of which internet service provider (ISP) you are with, at some point in time you
Hyperfibre Chat with Ultrafast Fibre
Hyperfibre. It’s the future of New Zealand internet. If you’re interested in internet that’s faster than fast, you’ll love our panel chat with John Hanna
Giving back to the planet
Sustainability, what does it mean for Lightwire? Like everyone else we want to make the world a better place… phrases like these, however, do not
Lightwire raises its first home buyer grant
Since the program’s inceptions, Lightwire (and parent company London Green Group) has assisted 15 of our team (and their families) to purchase their first home.
How Lightwire Nails Health & Safety
Lightwire has a continuous and well-resourced focused on the health and safety of our people, partners, and customers. In this article, we will get into
Key principles in Lightwire’s success
Lightwire is riding a wave at the moment, and that momentum has been created through making some fundamental changes and adopting some key business principles.
nbn™ Playbook
NBN is Australia’s version of UltraFast Broadband (UFB) and it connects over 11 million premises nationwide. If you’re looking to target internet deals on both sides of the Tasman – you’ll need to understand NBN.
B2B Internet Services in NZ
Guide for Australian telcos & MSPs B2B Internet services in NZ Do you have clients with branch offices in NZ? Are you looking to target trans-Tasman deals? This guide will give you all the detail you need to make procurement easy across the ditch. No forms, no spam, no cold
Teams Calling Playbook
Teams Calling playbook This isn’t a sales doc and you won’t find much in the way of pricing or sales pitches. However, you’ll learn what Teams Calling (also known as Teams Phone); What Teams Calling can and can’t do How to configure the Microsoft Environment How Teams Calling integrates with
The 3CX Playbook
The Playbook your team needs to scope, design, sell, provision, and support self hosted 3CX.
Teams Calling Webinar
Teams Calling Webinar Get to know Teams Calling in this informal, no obligations on-demand webinar. Watch Webinar What’s this webinar about? After watching the Teams Calling webinar below you’ll know all about; Teams Calling (with Direct Routing) Who Teams Calling is best suited to An overview of key features such
illume resources
Managed Service Providers deliver user experiences that delight and drive efficiency for the client as well as their own profitability with illume.
Every Lightwire partner has access to illume and this resource page helps you make the most of our customer portal, illume.
Use the navigation menu below to navigate to items you want to learn more about or book a demo.
illume How to videos
Scroll down to see the videos or navigate to the relevant video category by clicking on one of the items below.
Reporting Features
You can’t add value if you don’t know what’s going on. The reporting features in illume will arm you with real-time and historic data, so you can make informed decisions.
Pulse features
Keep a “pulse” on your Lightwire services with this shareable dashboard that allows you to see the status of all your services in a blink of an eye.
Create, read, and reply to support tickets right inside of illume. All your support tickets in one organised place – say goodbye to sorting through email chains.
Finance Features
Features to reduce finance and admin overhead as possible for our clients from wholesale rebelling to activity statements – you can find it in illume.
Admin Features
Get alerted on services, set up your account, and create new contacts or edit existing contacts. Here are the basics administrative features of illume.
Our team are more than happy to show you the features of illume.
Simply contact us via phone, email or fill out our form to request a free illume demo.
Lightwire’s Advisory Board
At Lightwire, we have been throwing a hell of a lot of time, effort and money into improving the business user experience, but recently we
Hyperfibre from Chorus
Well, that was one hell of an announcement… Details of Chorus’ news can be seen here but in short, they have released two new fibre
Lightwire to plant 22,500 trees
I am delighted to say that Lightwire has taken its partnership with Ata Rangi Pastoral further with an announcement that we will fund the planting
Why did we move 3CX services to AWS?
Since early 2017 Lightwire has been hosting 3CX instances on our geographically distributed servers, our private cloud if you will. We have been running with
Which UFB fibre connection is right for me and my customers?
Let’s face it, everyone wants the fastest fibre for the lowest price and expect it to never have any issues. But that’s not the world we live in. If you’re looking at Ulta Fast Broadband (UFB)
Let’s talk about offshoring
A couple of things have piqued my interest in offshoring this week, the first being that Fonterra is going to ditch Datacom in favour of
Planting project update
Each month I post social media content about how many trees/plants Lightwire has planted, but this month I wanted to actually show some clear examples
Chorus releases Small Business Fibre product
Chorus is adding new layer 2 services and dropping existing layer 2 service prices (and we are passing them on in full). In this video
Chorus PONFAS Pricing Released
Chorus today released its pricing draft for PONFAS, the unbundled fibre service due for release in 2020. The price points were confirmation of the strategy
First NZ customer live on unbundled fibre
Vodafone and Vocus were busy yesterday announcing the news that their first trial customer was live on unbundled fibre. Plenty of claims were made, and
Local Fibre Companies follow path set by Chorus
Just before Christmas the Local Fibre Companies (LFCs) contracted to the Crown to roll out UFB to 30% of NZ, including major centres such as
Chorus news and implications for unbundled fibre
Last week Chorus announced changes to the pricing of two of its most popular service variants. The table below details the price points and timelines